Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Annie B & The Vagabond Co. - Just Left Of The Middle

Forging in her own direction, after a few year stint with L.A. indie rock group Shut Up Marie, singer/songwriter Annie B and her band, The Vagabond Company, attempt to carve a niche into Milwaukee's music scene with their debut album Fancies of a Random Heart

Obviously dedicated, and painstakingly committed to her craft, one trip to Annie's official website ( removes any doubt about just how very seriously she takes herself.  She's blogging until she wins a Grammy.  Every day.  

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Primus' "Green Naugahyde" A Disappointing Return

Two decades past their 90's era heyday, their magnum opus Sailing The Seas of Cheese, and 11 solid years past a full length CD of new material (though they released an EP of new material in 2003 bundled with a DVD retrospective of music videos), Primus returns with the unfortunately disappointing Green Naugahyde.